Queer Edge was born out of a desire to help their local queer community, by providing safe spaces for anyone seeking a support system. You may know them for their fabulous parties and co-working space but they aim to create queer joy in more fundamental ways, impacting queer lives on a deep and significant level. This is why QE are so delighted to introduce Queer Edge Give, where they’re partnering with charities on a local, national and international scale in order to support those who need it most. Every month a portion of their proceeds is donated to their partnered charity organisations - this article will talk you through which ones they are currently partnered with, how you can seek their assistance and the different ways you can join QE in giving back.
On a local level, QE have created an application form for queer local residents to apply should they need any support. This could be anything from gender affirming surgery to housing needs and everything in between. Get in touch with QE via the application form here, to tell them about your cause and once they have reviewed it you will be featured on the QE website and social platforms where they will actively campaign to fundraise for you.
On a national level, QE are proud to be partnering with Galop, a charity who supports those who have faced or are facing LGTBQ+ violence and abuse. They have a hotline where you can seek immediate support and an online community where you can read about other’s stories and share your own. They have been working with LGBTQ+ people for over 40 years and QE are thrilled to be able to align themselves with Galop and support their cause which deals with a prominent issue in our community - one that continues to take lives everyday and is repeatedly ignored and justified by our government.
Furthermore, this next charity QE have partnered with, is an award winning, global-impact charity called ‘Giveout’. They use the donations they receive to provide grants to LGBTQ+ organisations, ensuring they have the resources to defend our communities and campaign for lasting change. Like QE they believe that enabling communities to do the work they have identified as required is the root of a support structure that enables meaningful, sustainable change.
If you are interested in learning about more charities QE are giving a spotlight to - similar to their Queer Pages - they are building a directory of charities that resonate with their values which you can visit here. If you are not able to contribute financially (although if you pay for tickets to party at QE events or use their co-working spaces, know that you are actively supporting these causes!) then they are currently working on ways you can volunteer your time so that everybody can participate in fostering change.
It’s clear Queer Edge are so proud of this little microcosm of queer joy and support that they have created in East London where the QE community continues to grow and flourish, giving them the ability to help as many people as they can. Founder, EJ says “We want to thank you, the Queer Edge community, for always showing up, for us and your people.”
